Forum | If ever I wanted an independent to win then this is it. Streeting out!! by BanksterDebtSlave - News Summed Up

Forum | If ever I wanted an independent to win then this is it. Streeting out!! by BanksterDebtSlave

If ever I wanted an independent to win then this is it. Streeting is one of the worst people in the PLP but even he's better than someone who celebrates this sort of thing. I don't think the character of a person can be determined from one deleted tweet but in her own words.... I’m not here to represent corporate interests or party agendas, I’m simply here to represent my people. I’m not subjected to any party lines or party whips, so that’s what makes me different – a true voice of the people by the people.”I hope Streeting gets beat.

Source: The Guardian June 26, 2024 07:45 UTC

